CulturalHeritageOnline: Villa Fini

Villa Fini

The Villa Fini is attested for the first time in 1665, when Zuane Antonio Toderini acquired the properties of Paolo Santorini, consisting of 75 fields and some buildings; among these a Sunday house still under construction.

Towards the end of the same century the complex passed to the Fini family to whom we owe the greatest compositional and decorative contribution.

According to the hypothesis of Ennio Concina, shared by Elena Bassi, these interventions are attributed to the architect Alessandro Tremignon, who also worked in the service of the Fini in the historic center of Venice (church of San Moisè, Palazzo Flangini-Fini).

Destroyed and razed to the ground by a whirlwind on July 8, 2015.

Villa Fini
Address: Riviera Martiri della Libertà, 27, 30031

Location inserted by Culturalword Abco

Villa Fini Map

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