CulturalHeritageOnline: Boarium Forum

Boarium Forum

The Forum Boarium (in Latin: Forum Boarium or Bovarium) was a sacred and commercial area of ancient Rome located along the left bank of the River Tiber, between the Campidoglio, Palatino and Aventine hills, which took its name from the livestock market was held there.

It was located near the ancient river port of Rome (portus Tiberinus), in an originally marshy area then reclaimed by the construction of the Cloaca Maxima, where large quantities of salt (the salinae) from the mouth of the Tiber were also amassed.

The area was divided between the Augustan regions VIII (Forum Romanum) and XI (Circus Maximus), and included between the Circus Maximus to the south-east, the Velabrum to the north-east (the so-called arch of the Argentari, a monumental access gate), the vicus Iugarius on the slopes of the Campidoglio to the north, the Tiber to the west and the Aventine to the south.

In modern Rome it corresponds to the area around Piazza della Bocca della Verità, where only the temple of Portuno and the temple of Ercole Vincitore remain visible.

Boarium Forum
Address: Largo Amerigo Petrucci 00153 Roma Italia
Phone: 060608

Location inserted by Culturalword

Boarium Forum Map

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