CulturalHeritageOnline: Tempio Pausania

Tempio Pausania

Tempio Pausania is an Italian town in the province of Sassari in Sardinia.

Located in the heart of Gallura, at the foot of Mount Limbara, it is the seat of a court, has various high schools and a civil hospital, as well as a Catholic bishopric (diocese of Tempio-Ampurias).

The name "Pausania" was added at the end of the nineteenth century to indicate Phausania, the first bishopric in Gallura, according to some, a medieval town built on the ruins of Roman Olbia or in its vicinity, although at the moment there is no historical-archaeological evidence that they try it.

Tempio Pausania
Address: Piazza Gallura 3 07029
Phone: 079 679999

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Tempio Pausania Map

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