CulturalHeritageOnline: The Acli Sports Union

The Acli Sports Union

The Acli Sports Union is promoted by the Acli to encourage, support and organize physical, recreational and sports activities aimed at people of all ages and all conditions, with particular attention to people most exposed to risks of physical and social exclusion.

The US Acli promotes sport for all through initiatives aimed at improving the quality of life of people, society and civil life.

Special attention has always been given to children and young people, not only because sport represents one of the "easiest" activities of recreation, aggregation and commitment but above all because physical, recreational and sporting practice plays a fundamental educational role. and formative.

We create all this in the Marche region.

The Acli Sports Union
Address: Via 3 Ottobre, 9
Phone: 393 936 5509

Location inserted by Giulio Lucidi

The Acli Sports Union Map

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