CulturalHeritageOnline: The Tower of the Thieves

The Tower of the Thieves

The Tower of the Thieves is shown in all its might among the remains of the western wall of Salerno.

There is not much historically certain information about the tower and the little information that has come down to us is more like strange legends than real events.

It is said that, in the Lombard period, the bodies of executed thieves were hung and displayed on the battlements of this fortress as a warning to those who committed a crime.

The bodies were later handed over to the Medical School for study. From this legend it would take the name of Torre dei Ladri.

Even today, some Salerno people are convinced of the existence of a secret passage that would connect it to the Arechi Castle, climbing the slopes of Monte Bonadies. A final legend concerns the belief that, starting from the fourteenth century, the tower and its basement were used by thieves to escape arrest and hide fabulous treasures.

Address: Rione Madonna delle Grazie - vicolo delle Fornelle

The Tower of the Thieves
Address: Rione Madonna delle Grazie - vicolo delle Fornelle

Location inserted by Cesare Minucci

The Tower of the Thieves Map

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