CulturalHeritageOnline: Lucana Angela Aiello Library

Lucana Angela Aiello Library

On the first two floors of a liberty building, the Lucana Angela Aiello Library houses a collection of books and prints on Basilicata from the seventeenth to the twentieth century and the texts of the major Lucanian writers. In particular in the Pacichelli room there is a large number of views of Lucanian villages from the early 18th century.

On the second floor is the suggestive Hall of Maps (the oldest is from 1620) and that of the Earthquakes that shook the Vulture lands in 1851 and the Val D’Agri in 1857.

The third floor, overlooking a splendid view of the town and the mountains, houses a rare collection of books on the Grand Tour, the magical cultural and sentimental journey that European intellectuals made at the turn of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries in southern Italy. The view on infinity is therefore guaranteed wherever you look.

This large room is also covered with drawings and precious views by the greatest authors.

A few curiosities: the oldest print? Magini's map of 1620; the most beautiful views? Perhaps those of Frederic Bourgeois de Mercey; the most important for Lucania? Probably the engravings by Pacichelli of 1703; the most provocative books? Those of Ferdinando Petruccelli della Gattina; the most surprising text? The one on the revolution in Basilicata in 1860 by Michele Lacava. And so on. Many surprises follow one another especially on the top floor, where the illustrated books of nineteenth-century European travelers steal the attention of the heart and eyes.

So this library, with attached print cabinet, is a unique attraction in the panorama of southern Italy and is a jewel that adds to the five already present in Moliterno.

Lucana Angela Aiello Library
Address: Via Santa Croce 27, Moliterno
Phone: +393395725077

Location inserted by Pasquale Dicillo

Lucana Angela Aiello Library Map

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