CulturalHeritageOnline: Colonna district III

Colonna district III

Colonna is the third district of Rome, indicated with R. III.

The area of ​​the district includes two distinguishable areas, separated by via del Corso: the one to the west is flat, the other, hilly, climbs towards the Pincio. In ancient Rome, the latter area housed the domus of the wealthiest, while the former was part of the Campus Martius, dotted with monuments: in addition to the Column of Marcus Aurelius who later gave the name to the medieval district, the remains of the temple of Hadrian remain in Piazza di Pietra, and the sundial of Augustus.

During the Middle Ages the new division of the city into twelve districts began to take shape: at that time this was the third district, Regio Columpne et sancte Marie in Aquiro, with reference to the church of Santa Maria in Aquiro. The district experienced a notable development in the seventeenth century: Pope Alexander VII Chigi arranged Piazza Colonna, and his family bought the building overlooking it from the Aldobrandini, which then became Palazzo Chigi. The importance of Colonna was further increased in 1696 with the inauguration of the nearby Palazzo Montecitorio, seat of the pontifical courts, the customs and the police.

Following the unification of Italy and the proclamation of Rome as capital (1871), the north-eastern area of ​​the district - hilly and arranged in noble villas with gardens - was the subject, like other areas of the city, of an authentic fever construction determined by the needs of the new role of Rome: in particular, the 25 hectares of Villa Ludovisi were divided up. This territory, densely built up in the twenty years 1886-1906, was detached from Colonna in 1921 and formed the new R. XVI Ludovisi.

The construction of the Colonna gallery dates back to 1911-1922 (named after Alberto Sordi since 2003); in 1918 Palazzo Montecitorio became the seat of the Chamber of Deputies. In 1922 Palazzo Chigi became the seat of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs until 1961, when it became the seat of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers.

Colonna district III
Address: Via Del Corso
Phone: 06 3945

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