CulturalHeritageOnline: Antica Osteria Cera Restaurant

Antica Osteria Cera Restaurant

A tradition spanning more than 40 years, a place steeped in experience and passion where time seems to have gone on before returning to its origins.

A refuge in which the values, but the values ​​of the authentic ones, like the family, have found a safe and welcoming home; and the family is an excellent starting point to understand how it is now only in values ​​and through them that rebirth can take place , the renewal. Evolution becomes the new tradition and the desire to show how their union has been the keystone and is still the secret, not as such, but as a trick, to live and share every day an intimate and everyday life grows beneficial.

The collaboration becomes dictat, without it you could not create something great, make products that are unique and delicate flourish, and this is how in the stage of life these actors must participate in harmony and understanding so that the show becomes unique.

As Kafka recalled, "Intellectual work snatches man from the human community. Manual labor, on the other hand, leads man to men.

”Gastronomy, grammar capable of bringing the genius and inventiveness of the individual closer to the pleasure of the simplicity of convivial consumption, reveals the essence of a job that is not only manual but also intellectual, where compositions and combinations become perfect constructs of an elaborate yet clear syntax.

The scents of the sea and the earth, metaphors of pleasure, pervade every sense, transforming, now more than ever, the banquet in a multisensory experience. It is the memory of past habits, which become very current, the strength of this scene dedicated to a rapprochement with nature as a means to get closer to men again. True passion, intimate and visceral passion rejects contemporary canons devoted to hyperreality.

A contemporaneity that, lost sacredness and values, wants a reality that is truer than reality itself, and to which this entourage offers an "original" reality created by man for man, through nature, its fruits and its colors.

Antica Osteria Cera Restaurant
Address: Via Marghera, 24 - 30010
Phone: 041 518 5009

Location inserted by Culturalword Abco

Antica Osteria Cera Restaurant Map

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