CulturalHeritageOnline: Villa Torni

Villa Torni

Villa Torni of the Costante GRIS Institute

"In 1882, following some disastrous agricultural years, especially in Veneto, and the consequent misery of the peasants; and above all due to their feeding with faulty, immature or badly dried maize of production, or faulty of foreign origin, without supervision and checks by hygiene offices in import and sale; the pellagra caused numerous victims in the population of Mogliano, so much so that in the five-year period 1879-1883 it was given a contingent of 51 pellagrose madmen to the provincial asylum. Then Mayor, I felt the duty to promote an investigation through the well-deserving deceased Dr. Giovanni Manera, assisted by municipal employees. On the report of this investigation, a list of names (which is kept in the records) was drawn up of 541 pellagroses in the Municipality, out of 6362 inhabitants, of which 451 in the initial stage I, 69 in the advanced stage II, 21 in the stage III and with need for hospitable care. ... .. The first adhesions were collected soon ......... On November 26, 1882 the shareholders were summoned and the company established ....... The statute was proposed and approved and the company officers were appointed and Prof. Cesare Lombroso was appointed honorary president .................. "who accepted the appointment of Honorary President of the Pellagrosario writing" ... .. so I pretend to consider myself worthy of you with some work in favor of the most noble company that has proposed itself in this generous partnership ....... "

Thus begins the report that Eng. Costante Gris presented in the celebration of the 25th anniversary of the foundation of the Pellagrosario and Casa di Ricovero in Mogliano Veneto. In the same report we read: "In 1888 with the intention of preparing a first germ of an institution to take place for the benefit of the rural classes for when, or for the cessation of pellagra or for any other reason, the Institute should fail to fulfill its purpose. a small section in one of the adjacent areas of the Institute, as a shelter for abandoned and impotent old people from rural municipalities ". in these few words lies the whole history of the Institute born to welcome the needy, the alienated, the sick (for a time it also had a hospital section, in 1907 287 people were housed in this section), and with attention to the elderly to ensure that , even in a situation of collective well-being, this institution had the opportunity to continue (up to 1907 there were 740 elderly people welcomed and precisely in 1907 there were 169 elderly people present in the structure). In the 25 years the pellagrosario gathered 5561 people of which 4,353 adults and 1,208 children (under 15 years).

Eng Costante Gris again writes: "He soon started breastfeeding children of Pellagrosi at home. The operation of the economic kitchens ............ ... already existing in the Municipality was undertaken, by means of the municipal employees cav. Alessandro Nono, Achille Berto, Pietro Alberti, with the initiative and cooperation of my friends Benzi prof. Giuseppe and Gregari Cav Gregorio. The treatment of pellagroses at home was also started with the administration of food and medicinal substances, a treatment that was then abandoned due to the experience gained. A few changes of dead granon were made. It was decided to make practices to rent a small house for 3 years ......... .. to concentrate the exercise of the kitchens there, the breastfeeding of children with two cows and also the medical care on the site of the pellagrosis in the stadium more advanced ………… the fact that the Pellagrosario was later founded in the grandiose Villa Torni is due to favorable circumstances ……. If the practices for the small De Toni dummy were not aborted ………. the institution would not have overstepped the limit of treatment for Mogliano's only pellagrosi. When the negotiations for the fictitious closure of De Toni fell deserted, a fictitiousness of the uninhabited Villa Torni with attached farm of Ett was thought of. 5.83 then owned by the Congregation of Charity of Venice "

In that first quarter of a century they passed through the institute, which later became the Public Institution of Assistance and Charity 'Istituto Costante Gris' following the definition of the Royal Decree 6972 of 1890 (the so-called Crispi Law), many people and many have passed through until our days. The arrival at the Institute sometimes took place through official channels, with the request for entry by the Municipal Administrations or by the Provinces or by the current ULSS companies in order to find a definitive placement for people with severe disabilities, but also always the possibility of welcoming elderly people in a specific 'Geriatric' section was maintained in order to guarantee adequate assistance to the whole territory, also going beyond the borders of the municipality of Mogliano and also of the Veneto Region. The founder's aim of giving continuity to the Institute has materialized and after more than 120 it is still active and present in the Mogliano area. There are many recs 

nts of the administrators, directors and employees who received phone calls from the most distant places with a request for help, perhaps for a child left alone or for a family in difficulty who could not afford to support their disabled child. The Institute paid the price of not having been able to follow the historical evolution in the face of the welfare role that the State with the launch of the National Health Service was going to assume with the L 833 of 1978 with which the National Health Service was established , And in the face of this evolution, the institute was unable to adapt and change its level of responses, remaining halfway between the health and social health care providers, sometimes providing for the entry of guests without ascertaining the entity in charge of payment by going away, away, to increase a debt that has now become unsustainable, but always with the primary purpose of giving assistance to the needy. An important step for the future scenario of our institute is represented by the program agreement approved by the Regional Council with resolution 2141/2006 by which the health area was separated from the social and health area, leaving the management of the ULSS 9 company of the Disability Center which welcomes guests of the former Costante Gris Institute with greater gravity.

Currently the Institute is authorized to operate for 165 non self-sufficient elderly guests of which 135 are accredited (we are waiting for the accreditation of the additional 30 beds by the Regional Council), has achieved, on input from the current Commissioner, a very strong synergy with the territory, with associations, foundations, local organizations, even social cooperatives, in order to resume the central role that the founder had foreseen.

Contacts for events:
MAIL: [email protected]
PEC: [email protected]

Villa Torni
Address: Via Torni, 51
Phone: 041 5998111

Location inserted by Giorgia CulturalHeritage Boldrin

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