CulturalHeritageOnline: Gorges of Cesano

Gorges of Cesano

The Gorges of Celano, also called Aielli-Celano gorges, Foci gorges or Foce gorges, are located between the municipal territories Aielli and Celano in Abruzzo, within the Sirente-Velino regional natural park, included among the sites of interest Community of Abruzzo.

Excavated for more than four kilometers from the La Foce stream, they separate Mount Sirente and Mount Tino (Serra di Celano), representing an important erosion phenomenon in the central Apennines. Its rocky walls measure, in the deepest area, almost 200 meters high. The average width of the gorge is around 5-6 meters, with bottlenecks of three meters. The gorges are passable and can be visited by expert hikers both uphill from Celano and downhill from Ovindoli starting from the Arano valley.

Near the gorge are the remains of the hermitage of San Marco ai Casaleni (Aielli) and the monastery of San Marco near the Arano valley, previously dedicated to Santa Maria Intra Fucem.


Gorges of Cesano
Address: 67043
Phone: 0863 792184

Location inserted by Culturalword Abco

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