CulturalHeritageOnline: Real College

Real College

The Real Collegio di Lucca is a historic building which, over the centuries, has housed an Augustinian monastery and subsequently the Public Library, the University of Lucca and precisely a college called Reale.

From the Royal Decree of February 27, 1896 signed by UMBERTO I:

"The REAL COLLEGIO of LUCCA is a moral body, autonomous, today endowed with its own patrimony, which was originally intended for the public education of the city."

The R.D. of 8 November 1927 signed by VITTORIO EMANUELE III establishes the composition of the BOARD of DIRECTORS of the REAL COLLEGIO of Lucca.

Real College
Address: P.zza del Collegio, 13, 55100
Phone: 0583 494543

Location inserted by Gisella Guarducci

Real College Map

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