CulturalHeritageOnline: Abandoned Yacht

Abandoned Yacht

Mar Sem Fin (Endless Sea), a Brazilian yacht sunk on 7 April 2012, in the bay of Ardley Cove in Antarctica. The yacht, about 20 meters long, belonged to the famous Brazilian journalist and entrepreneur João Lara Mesquita, who was filming a documentary in the icy Antarctic waters.

That day the wind rose up to 100 km / h, causing the boat to “dangle like a runaway horse in a rodeo”, according to the testimony of a crew member. The Mar Sem Fin was now trapped in the ice when the men on board contacted the Chilean Navy relief supplies to be rescued. And this actually happened, even if due to the adverse sea conditions, the operation lasted 2 whole days.

info: Unesco estimates that there are over 3 million ship carcasses, not only sunk but also abandoned, scattered around the world. Some rest on beautiful beaches, others have become a paradise for divers and photographers.

Abandoned Yacht
Address: Isola Ardley

Location inserted by Culturalword Abco

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