Umbria Region

Umbria is a region of central Italy located in the heart of the peninsula.

Umbria is characterized by a marked variety of landscapes, by virtue of the continuous succession of hilly areas and river valleys.

This articulated orographic system, which is identified with the areas of Valle Umbra and Valtiberina, in the eastern and southern sector of the region rises progressively with the mountain ridges of the Valnerina up to over 2,400 meters (Monte Vettore group) in the Sibillini massif , shared with the Marche.

The varied regional territory is dotted with cities and settlements rich in history and traditions.

Eventi in Umbria

The region, already inhabited in protohistoric times by the Umbrians and the Etruscans, was then at the center of the Regio VI Umbria et ager Gallicus of the Roman Empire.

With much of its territory included for centuries in the Duchy of Spoleto in the south, in the Byzantine Empire in the center and in the Duchy of Tuscia in the north during the Lombard Kingdom in Italy, its territory after several centuries of struggles became part of the state Pontifical.

From 1 January 1948, pursuant to art. 131 of our current Constitution, Umbria is a region with ordinary autonomy of the Italian Republic, but only with the law n. 281 of 1970 its functions were implemented.

Umbria includes two provinces and 92 municipalities:

Province coat of arms:

Province of Perugia (Capital City)
Province of Terni

Video: Umbria Region

Map: Umbria Region

vCard Info:

Address: Corso Vannucci, 96 - 06121
Perugia Umbria

Latitude: 43.0746558
Longitude: 12.6065389

vCard created by: BBCC
Currently owned by: BBCC

Type: Region
Function: Public place
Creation date:
Last update: 15/08/2021