Capo Rizzuto Island

Capo Rizzuto Island was born around 900 AD. with the Greek toponym of "Asylon" under the regency of Leo VI the philosopher, Roman emperor of the East.

To colonize those lands sparsely populated at that time, Leone creates a new diocese and grants some prisoners, persecuted politicians and people who had had problems with the institutions to have a second chance in the land of Calabria, thus Asylon was born, the sacred land where no one could be persecuted, with a meaning much more similar to that of "asylum" than of "island".

The real demographic growth of the small diocese of Isola is around 1090 AD. under the investiture as bishop of the holy miracle worker Luca di Melicuccà or San Luca di Isola Capo Rizzuto, during his administration Asylon has an extension that starts from the current urban center of Isola Capo Rizzuto following the coast up to the Tacina river, under the jurisdiction of the diocese of Isola Capo Rizzuto, in addition to the territory of Le Castella, the territories of San Leonardo and Steccato (now fractions of Cutro) also included.

Video: Capo Rizzuto Island

Map: Capo Rizzuto Island

vCard Info:

Address: P.zza Falcone e Borsellino, 88841
(KR) Calabria

Latitude: 38.95940879245423
Longitude: 17.092666625976562
Site: https://www.comune.isoladicapo...

vCard created by: BBCC
Currently owned by: BBCC

Type: City
Function: Public place
Creation date: 23-01-2020 08:25
Last update: 18/08/2021